The original factory service manuals are by far the best documentation you can get for your vehicle. Before starting any major project, a few minutes reviewing the appropriate sections of the FSMs can save a great deal of time later. The Chiltons or Haynes manuals tend to be missing many details and are ambiguous about many of the small but important changes between model years.
There are two sources for the manuals, depending on the model year. The number for DaimlerChrysler's Service Publications is (440) 572-7240. They no longer carry the older publications, however (not sure what the cut-off year is).
Older original and reprint manuals are available from Irv Bishko Auto Literature at (800) 544-3312. The originals will be in three volume sets, but may not be available for all years. The reprints come in two volume sets and supposedly have more durable pages and bindings than the originals. They are also slightly cheaper.
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Updated 12/09/2003.
Copyright © 1996-2003 Russ W. Knize.