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Oil Filters RevealedGerman Filters |
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This page concentrates on German oil filters. Since not all of these brands make filters for the reference Chrysler/Ford application, I concentrated on a very common filter in Audi, Volvo, and VW circles. For the sake of comparison, I purchased some domestic filters as well. Also, some of these "German" filters are actually made in the U.S.A.
The other parts of this project:
The analysis is sorted by brand name in alphabetical order. Common brands and manufacturers link back to the reference filter page were more information can be found. Detailed sections of some of the models follow, though not all filters listed have them. These filters were all tested in 1999. Since some brands often switch manufacturers without warning, check the reference filter page for any updates. If a filter has never been acquired, the vintage is marked as N/A. Note that even though the surface area is listed for comparison, the values don't correspond exactly to the filters' holding capacity. This is a function of the media's composition as well as the surface area, which is not something I am equipped to compare. However for filters in similar price ranges, it is reasonable to assume that the filter medias are somewhat comparable.
Brand | Model | P/N | Vintage | Manufacturer | Cost | Element Surface Area |
AC Delco | Duraguard | PF60 | 1999 | AC Delco | $6 | 203 sqin |
Baldwin | Baldwin | B178 | N/A | Baldwin/Hastings | $6 | ? |
Bosch | Bosch | 72150 | 1999 | Champion Labs | ? | 278 sqin |
Deutsch | Deutsch | D484 | 1999 | Champion Labs | $6 | 223 sqin |
Fram | Extra Guard | PH2870A | 1999 | Honeywell | ? | 173 sqin |
Mahle | Mahle | OC49 | 1999 | Mahle | ? | 259 sqin |
MANN | MANN | W719/5 | 1999 | MANN+HUMMEL Group | ? | 285 sqin |
NAPA | Gold | 1342 | 1999 | Dana/WIX | ? | 217 sqin |
Purolator | Premium Plus | L20252 | 1999 | Purolator | $4 | 178 sqin |
Pure One | PL20252 | 1999 | Purolator | $6 | 220 sqin | |
Volkswagen | Volkswagen | 034 115 561A | 1999 | Champion Labs | $8 | 274 sqin |
Special thanks go to Rolf Mair for sending me the Bosch, Fram, Mahle, Mann, and VW filters. The rest were purchased by myself.
This filter is very much like the Deutsch unit, which is similar to the Bosch filter (manufactured by Champion Labs). It has the Bosch cartridge design, but uses a different filter element (similar to other AC Delco elements). Like the Deutsch filter, the backplate has 8 round inlet holes with one larger than the others. The AC Delco catalog lists the PF56 as an equivalent filter, but I could not find it.
Exploded view:
Average Retail Price | $6 |
Cartridge Length | 3.93 inches |
Cartridge Outside Diameter | 2.69 inches |
Cartridge Inside Diameter | 1.63 inches |
Cartridge Pleats | 55 |
Cartridge End Cap Type | Stamped steel, with bypass and anti-drain-back valves |
Anti-Drain-back Valve Type | Spring loaded steel, nitrile seal (bottom of cartridge) |
Bypass Valve Type | Spring loaded steel, nitrile seal (top of cartridge) |
Element Type | Paper media, glued seam |
Element Length | 54.0 inches |
Element Width | 3.75 inches |
Element Surface Area | 203 square inches |
Shell Thickness | 0.013 inches |
Backplate Thickness | 0.11 inches |
Gasket Type | Nitrile rubber |
I believe that Champion Labs was the manufacturer of all American-made Bosch filters in 1999. Now they appear to be made by Purolator. If the filter is stamped with "Made in U.S.A.", then it is more than likely one of these. They seem to make some of the German OEM filters as well. I kept seeing this unit's filter cartridge in other units, but this may just be a design copy.
This filter has one of the higher surface areas of the group and has a stronger case. A common theme with these filters is to have the anti-drainback valve built into the bottom of the filter cartridge with the bypass valve built into the top. Rather than use a diaphragm-type anti-drainback valve, these filters use spring loaded steel valve with a nitrile seal. This is probably the best anti-drainback valve design I have seen, but it does take up quite a bit of room inside the cartridge, which forces the element pleats to be shallow. The cartridge is held in place by a leaf spring-type spacer. To make a positive seal to the backplate, a rubber o-ring is used at the base of the cartridge. The backplate has four large "D"-shaped holes for the oil inlet.
Exploded view:
Average Retail Price | $? |
Cartridge Length | 3.95 inches |
Cartridge Outside Diameter | 2.70 inches |
Cartridge Inside Diameter | 1.63 inches |
Cartridge Pleats | 76 |
Cartridge End Cap Type | Stamped steel, with bypass and anti-drainback valves |
Anti-Drainback Valve Type | Spring loaded steel, nitrile seal (bottom of cartridge) |
Bypass Valve Type | Spring loaded steel, nitrile seal (top of cartridge) |
Element Type | Paper media, glued seam |
Element Length | 74.0 inches |
Element Width | 3.75 inches |
Element Surface Area | 278 square inches |
Shell Thickness | 0.014 inches |
Backplate Thickness | 0.12 inches |
Gasket Type | Nitrile rubber |
Like the Chrysler/Ford reference Deutsch filter, this filter is manufactured by Champion Labs. It is similar in construction to the AC Delco, the American-made Bosch, and the other Champion filters.
Although most of the dimensions were the same as the AC Delco, the Deutsch uses a different filter element, which has more pleats (and more surface area). Like the AC Delco filter, the backplate has 8 round inlet holes with one larger than the others.
Average Retail Price | $6 |
Cartridge Length | 3.93 inches |
Cartridge Outside Diameter | 2.70 inches |
Cartridge Inside Diameter | 1.63 inches |
Cartridge Pleats | 61 |
Cartridge End Cap Type | Stamped steel, with bypass and anti-drainback valves |
Anti-Drainback Valve Type | Spring loaded steel, nitrile seal (bottom of cartridge) |
Bypass Valve Type | Spring loaded steel, nitrile seal (top of cartridge) |
Element Type | Paper media, glued seam |
Element Length | 59.5 inches |
Element Width | 3.75 inches |
Element Surface Area | 223 square inches |
Shell Thickness | 0.013 inches |
Backplate Thickness | 0.11 inches |
Gasket Type | Nitrile rubber |
Well, what can I say? It's a Fram in every way, shape, and form.
It has the usual cardboard-end-capped cartridge with the lowest surface area of the group (172.5sqin). Along with the spring-loaded plastic bypass valve, it has the nitrile rubber diaphragm that seals rough metal to cardboard. I also noticed that there was very little room between the bottom cartridge end cap and the filter can. It looks as though it might restrict oil flow between the backplate and the outside of the element, but I imagine that the oil flow would probably push the cardboard out of the way. The backplate has 8 very small holes for the oil inlet, which may restrict flow somewhat.
Average Retail Price | $? |
Cartridge Length | 3.93 inches |
Cartridge Outside Diameter | 2.63 inches |
Cartridge Inside Diameter | 1.38 inches |
Cartridge Pleats | 40 |
Cartridge End Cap Type | Cardboard |
Anti-Drainback Valve Type | Spring loaded plastic |
Bypass Valve Type | Nitrile rubber diaphragm |
Element Type | Paper media, metal seam |
Element Length | 44.5 inches |
Element Width | 3.86 inches |
Element Surface Area | 173 square inches |
Shell Thickness | 0.015 inches |
Backplate Thickness | 0.11 inches |
Gasket Type | Nitrile rubber |
This filter has similarities with the Champion Labs unit, but is different enough to lead me to believe that it is not the same manufacturer. The similarities are that is has the spring loaded anti-drainback and bypass valves built into the cartridge end caps. The differences are that the bypass valve has no steel plate (it is a thick piece of spring-loaded rubber) and the anti-drainback valve has a wider steel plate than the Bosch. Also, a coil spring spacer is used instead of the leaf spring and the filter element has a metal seam instead of a glued one. In my opinion, these differences do not make this filter better or worse; I just pointed them out to show that it is definitely not the same manufacturing process.
The filter element is thin and fairly stiff, but quite strong and has one of the largest element surface areas of the group. The glue used to attach the end caps to the element is unlike any other I have seen. Rather than a gooey-flexible type, this stuff is hard and brittle. Neither better nor worse...just different. One striking aspect of this filter is the precise spacing of the pleats. While not especially relevant, it shows an attention to detail. The filter case is definitely one of the strongest and the backplate has 6 medium-sized oil inlet holes, for plenty of flow.
Exploded view:
Average Retail Price | $? |
Cartridge Length | 3.71 inches |
Cartridge Outside Diameter | 2.75 inches |
Cartridge Inside Diameter | 1.50 inches |
Cartridge Pleats | 64 |
Cartridge End Cap Type | Stamped steel, with bypass and anti-drainback valves |
Anti-Drainback Valve Type | Spring loaded steel, nitrile seal (bottom of cartridge) |
Bypass Valve Type | Spring loaded nitrile rubber (top of cartridge) |
Element Type | Paper media, metal seam |
Element Length | 74.0 inches |
Element Width | 3.50 inches |
Element Surface Area | 259 square inches |
Shell Thickness | 0.018 inches |
Backplate Thickness | 0.13 inches |
Gasket Type | Nitrile rubber |
This filter also has similarities to both the Champion Labs and the Mahle units. It has the usual Champion Labs bypass and anti-drainback valve locations and construction, but has a filter element similar to the Mahle unit. The inside diameter of this cartridge is smaller than the Champion Labs or Mahle, which allows deeper pleats and gives this filter the most surface area of the group (285sq-in). The cartridge spacer is a leaf spring-type, but of a unique design. The backplate looks just like the Champion Labs backplate, except that for some reason is it not welded or glued to the can. The can has some "hooks" that attach it to the backplate through the "D"-shaped inlet holes. After looking at it, I realized that this makes no difference in terms of sealing. The outside seal is made to the filter can and so any oil that gets between the backplate and the can ends up in the same place that it would if it went through the inlet holes. Also, this filter has the strongest can of the group.
This filter has "Made in Germany" stamped on the can, which may account for the differences from the American-made Bosch filter (which is manufactured by Champion Labs).
Exploded view:
Average Retail Price | $? |
Cartridge Length | 3.88 inches |
Cartridge Outside Diameter | 2.70 inches |
Cartridge Inside Diameter | 1.38 inches |
Cartridge Pleats | 59 |
Cartridge End Cap Type | Stamped steel, with bypass and anti-drainback valves |
Anti-Drainback Valve Type | Spring loaded steel, nitrile seal (bottom of cartridge) |
Bypass Valve Type | Spring loaded steel, nitrile seal (top of cartridge) |
Element Type | Paper media, glued seam |
Element Length | 76.0 inches |
Element Width | 3.75 inches |
Element Surface Area | 285 square inches |
Shell Thickness | 0.021 inches |
Backplate Thickness | 0.12 inches |
Gasket Type | Nitrile rubber |
I purchased this filter to get another example from the one of the better domestic oil filter manufacturers. Like the reference version, this filter is made by the Dana Corporation (WIX). It has all the usual WIX filter attributes. These include the two-piece filter cartridge with the metal-to-metal seal between the bypass valve and bottom cartridge end cap. The bypass valve is sealed to the backplate with the usual diaphragm-type anti-drainback valve. The filter element was Dana's usual material (strong) and has a surface area that is about average. The cartridge is held in place by a stiff coil spring spacer. One thing I noticed was that there was very little room between the bottom cartridge end cap and the filter can (like the Fram). It looks as though it might restrict oil flow between the backplate and the outside of the element.
Exploded view:
Average Retail Price | $? |
Cartridge Length | 3.68 inches |
Cartridge Outside Diameter | 2.75 inches |
Cartridge Inside Diameter | 1.38 inches |
Cartridge Pleats | 49 |
Cartridge End Cap Type | Stamped steel |
Anti-Drainback Valve Type | Nitrile rubber diaphragm |
Bypass Valve Type | Spring loaded steel, nitrile seal |
Element Type | Paper media, glued seam |
Element Length | 62.0 inches |
Element Width | 3.50 inches |
Element Surface Area | 217 square inches |
Shell Thickness | 0.014 inches |
Backplate Thickness | 0.10 inches |
Gasket Type | Nitrile rubber |
This filter is like most Purolators. It has steel end caps, but with the Champion-like bypass valve on the top of the cartridge. The anti-drainback valve is a typical nitrile rubber diaphragm type. The filter element has many shallow pleats, which results in a surface area (178sq-in) only slightly better than Fram. The inside of the cartridge has a lot of wasted space. It also has the typical Purolator assembly string.
Exploded view:
Average Retail Price | $4 |
Cartridge Length | 3.88 inches |
Cartridge Outside Diameter | 2.63 inches |
Cartridge Inside Diameter | 1.63 inches |
Cartridge Pleats | 50 |
Cartridge End Cap Type | Stamped steel |
Anti-Drainback Valve Type | Nitrile rubber diaphragm |
Bypass Valve Type | Spring loaded steel, nitrile seal |
Element Type | Paper media, metal seam |
Element Length | 47.5 inches |
Element Width | 3.75 inches |
Element Surface Area | 178 square inches |
Shell Thickness | 0.012 inches |
Backplate Thickness | 0.11 inches |
Gasket Type | Nitrile rubber |
This Purolator has the same construction as the Premium Plus, but with more pleats of the Pure One element. It also has a silicone rubber anti-drainback valve and a PTFE-treated gasket.
Average Retail Price | $6 |
Cartridge Length | 3.68 inches |
Cartridge Outside Diameter | 2.75 inches |
Cartridge Inside Diameter | 1.38 inches |
Cartridge Pleats | 62 |
Cartridge End Cap Type | Stamped steel |
Anti-Drainback Valve Type | Silicone rubber diaphragm |
Bypass Valve Type | Spring loaded steel, nitrile seal |
Element Type | Paper media, glued seam |
Element Length | 58.5 inches |
Element Width | 3.75 inches |
Element Surface Area | 220 square inches |
Shell Thickness | 0.012 inches |
Backplate Thickness | 0.11 inches |
Gasket Type | Nitrile rubber, PTFE-treated |
This filter has the same construction as the American-made Bosch filter (Champion Labs), and also appears to have the same filter element.
Average Retail Price | $8 |
Cartridge Length | 3.95 inches |
Cartridge Outside Diameter | 2.70 inches |
Cartridge Inside Diameter | 1.38 inches |
Cartridge Pleats | 75 |
Cartridge End Cap Type | Stamped steel |
Anti-Drainback Valve Type | Nitrile rubber diaphragm |
Bypass Valve Type | Spring loaded steel, nitrile seal |
Element Type | Paper media, glued seam |
Element Length | 73.0 inches |
Element Width | 3.75 inches |
Element Surface Area | 274 square inches |
Shell Thickness | 0.014 inches |
Backplate Thickness | 0.12 inches |
Gasket Type | Nitrile rubber |
See the AC Delco, Champion, Fram, Purolator, and WIX sections for information on how to identify these manufacturers by looking at the backplate. A quick reference of manufacturer backplates and internal views is available on the overview page.
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Updated 01/25/2008.
Copyright © 1996-2008 Russ W. Knize.